In Karachi, Pakistan, the buying rate for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Dirham in the open market is Rs75.25, while the selling rate is Rs75.95, as reported by on Thursday. This marks a decrease of 15 paisas compared to the previous day's closing rate of Rs75.4 as of 10:09 am on April 18, 2024.
AED to PKR Rate – April 18, 2024
Date Latest Exchange Rate CHANGE
April 19, 2024 Rs75.25 -15 paisas
With over 1.71 million Pakistani expatriates residing in the United Arab Emirates, constituting 16.73 percent of the Gulf country's total population, the daily exchange rate holds significant interest for them. Pakistani nationals form the second largest national group in the UAE, following Indians, and since their earnings are in Dirhams, they closely monitor the fluctuations in the exchange rate.
How much is 1000 UAE Dirham in Pakistani Rupees today?
As of April 18, the Dirham rate stands at Rs75.25 in the open market. Therefore, 1000 Dirhams will be equal to Rs75,250 in Pakistani currency.
What is the open market rate of AED in Pakistan?
The rate of AED in the open market of Pakistan stands at Rs75.25 on April 18, 2024.
How to convert Dirham into Pakistani Rupees?
Individuals carrying UAE currency Dirhams to Pakistan can visit banks or branches of exchange companies to convert AED into PKR.